Nominee "Live Good" - The Best of Martinez

Live Good


About this Nominee

A place to enhance health, fitness, and total well-being, Live Good is committed to helping you feel better - in body, in mind, and in life!

Bringing over 50 years of combined experience as leaders in the Health & Fitness industry, husband and wife team Mac and Tina take a unique and cutting-edge approach to their work with clients.

This includes a blend of exercise, mindfulness, cognitive skills, and coaching to support client success - the kind of success that is as unique as each individual they work with.

Clients experience improvements in:
- strength
- mobility
- flexibility
- cognitive function
- life balance
- peace of mind
- relationships with self/others
- recovery from stressful events (physical/emotional)

Learn more about Tina & Mac and the work they do at their website:

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